Looking for some fun ways to keep the whole family busy and entertained during these strange times? Rather than being glued to the TV or other electronic devices, you can carve out some quality time making new memories instead. To help get you inspired, we’ve compiled a few family activities you can do within your Valecraft home to get everyone off the couch and spending time having fun together.
Obstacle Course
Creating an obstacle course is an easy and inexpensive way to keep the kids entertained and active, even inside the home when the weather is crummy outside. You can use whatever you have on hand – hula hoops, pillows, cardboard boxes, toys, you name it. Get creative and look around for ideas of items to jump over, crawl through, twirl around. It’s all about having fun. No matter what you use, obstacle courses are a great way to not only get everyone moving but to also encourage critical thinking and problem-solving. And once the weather clears up, you can even move it out to the backyard.
Scavenger Hunt
Who doesn’t love a good scavenger hunt? It’s one of the easiest ways to liven things up around the home. Whether you have one child or several, it’s a simple way to spice things up during the day. Similar to the obstacle course, you can use almost anything to hide throughout your home. Chocolate eggs, candy, toys. You can also create teams and print out a list of rules to kick it up a notch! Sometimes a little competition can make it even more exciting.
Potted Plants
With springtime almost here, it’s a perfect time to get the whole family involved in some gardening. But since it’s still a little chilly outside, you can begin by using planting pots inside. All you need are some seeds, potting soil, planters, or pre-potted plants to transfer into your planters. Some easy growing plants to consider include Begonias, evergreens, herbs, or you can make colourful terrariums. It’s a great life skill and hobby that you and the family can enjoy together.
Build a Bird Feeder
If your kids love to get crafty, building a bird feeder is a fun project you can all work on. This is suitable even for younger kids with the supervision of an adult. All you need is some old milk cartons, washed and dried, some paint, paper towel, a nail and screwdriver, string or yarn, scissors, a utility knife and of course, birdseed. Parents will need to help cut out the sides of the carton using the utility knife. Then let the kids paint the carton in fun designs and colours. Once it’s dry, pierce a hole on the top of the carton on each side with a nail or screwdriver. Place a piece of string through it and create a knot so it can hang. Then fill it with birdseed and watch your yard spring to life as the birds perch on it and feed.
Fashion Show
Got some old costumes lying around? Why not throw a fashion show? Create a Catwalk, put on some music, and see who can strike the best pose. Always good for a laugh and it’s a fun way to pass the time when you’re stuck indoors on a rainy day.
Hula Hooping
If the family is feeling a bit cooped up, let them blow off some of that energy with a hula hoop competition. Put on some of their favourite tunes and hula hoops away to see who can do it the longest. Aside from doing something active, it’s also a great way to improve coordination.
Build a Fort
Building forts at home is so much fun for both adults and kids. And you can create new configurations every time you make one. You can also use more than just pillows. Try making cardboard forts, blanket forts, use clothes pegs to create teepees, string lights up along it and has a picnic once it’s complete. Encourage your family to use their imagination to build fortresses and cozy hideaways.
Create Tik Tok Videos
If you have kids, you’ve likely heard of Tik Tok. They can’t get enough of this popular platform. But lately, there’s a new trend catching on where families create challenges and music videos to compete with other families online. It’s a really fun way to show your kids your silly side while bonding and making fun memories together.
Hide and Seek
Of course, you can’t forget about some of those classic games that we used to love as kids. Hide and seek never gets old, plus it aids in kids’ development as they learn about impulse control, emotion control, planning, organizing, and leading.
Come and discover your new dream home in Ottawa with Valecraft Homes. Our award-winning communities and home designs are ideal for families both young and old. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our available listings or future releases.